Upgrading skills
to upgrade
With such a major shift in the way we provide heat and power to properties, there is a massive need for the development of new skills to install and maintain new technologies and for building occupants to understand how they can best use it.
NetZero Training has been established alongside NetZero Property to meet that need, and is working on two levels.

NetZero Training Hubs
We have developed NetZero Training Hubs that will build local capacity and capability to enable delivery of your decarbonisation programme. These will become a key enabler in ’levelling up’, as well as creating a long-term skills base to meet demand.
Mick Brophy and Kevin Lewis are our specialists in this field, having over 60 years experience in creating Academies in the automotive, renewable and engineering sectors to create capability and capacity to meet local demand. We’re happy to say that the first NetZero Training Hub ‘opened its doors’ in Portsmouth in April 2022, in partnership with City of Portsmouth College and Portsmouth City Council.
To meet the UK’s commitment to net zero by 2050, thousands of new jobs will be created around the installation of green technologies – so if you’re a council or a college we’d like to hear from you.
Working with leading manufacturers
NetZero Training work with leading manufacturers in the development of the courses and qualifications to ensure exacting standards. These manufacturers cover Fabric, Heat, Power and Electric Vehicles.
We have a unique approach to the way we develop skills for retrofitting which results in improved quality of delivery at a lower cost.
Our virtual NetZero Training Hubs complement the physical facilities and provide opportunities for employers to attract newly qualified people, as well as being a resource for people in the local area to learn about the wide range of opportunities that are open to them in the ‘world of netzero’

Training for
NetZero Training can also provide training for customer service teams, to help them in their role of supporting residents who are living with new technology in lower carbon homes. This simple intervention can reduce costs and complaints for landlords, as well as boosting staff confidence. With the upward trend in the cost of energy, advice provided by your staff can have a significant impact on residents level of comfort.